Single Payment

Our Kickoff call is October 3!
Live calls will take place Tuesdays at 7pm EST

  • This is a a full 8-week online live group coaching program that takes place in my private community app.
  • 1 Kick off call plus 5 LIVE lessons with me.
  • Q&A access to me between sessions in our private online community app. 
  • Accountability in the app to ensure you follow through on your goals, and to help you stay focused in a fun and supportive way. This is also a space to share wins, experiences and network with other members.
  • Access to my Expansion mindset tools that multi-millionaires use to manage their energy so they can create clear intentions, and attract in BIG MONEY consistently.

BONUS: you get unlimited access to a my Expansion Audio Resource Library in the app. (VALUE $2000)

Plus, you have on-going access to all of the materials and the community even after the 8-weeks is finished.


*Payments are USD and this program is Non Refundable.

$1,333.00 USD

I understand that program(s) I am purchasing from Brenda Johnston  (2646089 Ontario Inc.) are for educational purposes only. It is not therapy and is not meant as a replacement for any other interventions.

I understand that my progress comes from my participation and that the tools in this program are to enable me to better understand myself, my relationships and make desired changes. Brenda Johnston (2646089 Ontario Inc.)  cannot and will not predict outcomes or make decisions for me. I assume full responsibility for my actions and inaction which relate to my success.

I understand that hypnosis is not a state of sleep but is a natural state of mind that can produce extraordinary levels of relaxation of mind, body and emotions. When a person is in hypnosis, he or she is aware of his or her surroundings. He or she hears the sound of the hypnotist’s voice and will remember, more or less, of what the hypnotist says. The hypnotized subject or client is relaxed, comfortable, focused and in a state of daydream type thinking.

I understand that the requirements for being a good hypnotic subject are mainly the desire to be hypnotized and to experience hypnosis, the ability to concentrate, the willingness to co-operate and follow instructions.

I hereby release Brenda Johnston  (2646089 Ontario Inc.) or any other persons related or affiliated of any and all liability in this matter.


 **By purchasing this program, I understand this is a non-refundable purchase.**