[September Affirmations] for Prosperity - ep. 98

Season #3

Save your spot for the Free MONEY CURE MASTERCLASS happening Set 14: https://www.brenda-johnston.com/money-cure


Each affirmation will be repeated 3x in a row and then it loops so you hear each affirmation a total of 9x.

As you listen, allow the words to absorb into you, as you re-program you mind, and your energy, for abundance in all areas of life. 

You can choose to repeat these affirmations out loud, or in your mind, whatever feels right for you.

For results, listen to them daily for 21 days or more.


Here are the September Affirmations that are included in this episode:

My mind is a match to the frequency of prosperity, and I manifest it with ease.

I am now open to receiving abundance and prosperity in all areas of my life.

Money is a positive and empowering energy in my life

Prosperity is my birthright, and I claim it with confidence and gratitude

I choose to release any blocks to prosperity and allow it to flow into my life now

Everyday, my sense of prosperity expands


Want to listen on-the-go? Check out The Limitless Life Podcast on Spotify and Apple Podcasts! Did you know the show is now ranked in the top 5% most popular shows globally!


Spaces now open for my Limitless life Expansion Group Coaching membership 

This is a supportive space for supportive space for you to learn to work with the power of your subconscious mind and energy...minus the surface level mindset work and spiritual fluff talk.


Connect with me over on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_brendajohnston/