Some people call me magical...

The truth is, I've learned over the years how to make the deep inner transformational work much easier and far more effective. 

So, what makes me the right Mentor for you?


I’ve been there
Sure, I’m a successful entrepreneur and badass energy mentor noowwwww….but 10 years ago, I was stuck in a Corporate job that left me feeling (let’s say) “uninspired,” and a marriage that most definitely did not meet my needs. I hired amazing mentors that helped me focus on up-levelling my mindset, I started consistently managing my energy, and I connected to my highest potential. The result? I transformed repeating patterns that were keeping me stuck, I took action, and I realized I had the power to start truly CREATING my dream life (rather than just existing and “getting by”).

I’m fluff-free (no BS!)
Yes, I’m into subconscious mindset work and “energetics,”....but you will never hear me use trendy spiritual jargon, just to sound cool (go find your “cosmic consciousness” and “quantum leaps” elsewhere). The work I do is based in SCIENCE, and even though it may seem “magical”....the transformations my clients experience are the result of the deliberate and practical application of proven principles and evidence-based techniques. 

I don’t make you “sit in the sh$#*
For real – I don’t like wasting time. And if we can get in, and out, in a more powerful and effective way…why would I make you wade through endless worksheets and “homework?!?” Deep transformational work doesn’t need to be hard, or take years. That's just a story you've been telling yourself.


This is a highly customized 3-week 1:1 program designed to help get you out of the overwhelm so you can move forward and feel productive again.

You’ve tried other mindset programs and techniques and you've had some success but it feels way harder than it should.

During these 3-weeks we are laser-focused on the situation at hand not reprogramming multiple deep layers. We can't get to deeper levels when you are in a spiral state. We need to first address what is causing you the most pain and disruption mentally, physically, emotionally & financially.

Book a free 15-min call to see if this is the right fit for you

This is for you if…

🌟 You feel suffocated by your own business or career and it's leaving you feeling overwhelmed, exhausted and burnt out.

🌟 You want to be able to quiet that voice of self-doubt and fear in your head that is holding you back from accessing that next level of success you desire.

🌟 You’re income has plateaued and you’re not attracting in your ideal clients or career opportunities.

My Exclusive Coaching Mentorship allows us to go many layers deep while creating a solid foundation for lasting transformation and growth in all areas of your life/business.

I use a combination of whole-brain activation techniques, emotional release and hypnosis to help re-program  subconscious-level beliefs. 

I’ll teach you the tools to quickly shift your mind and body out of fear and overwhelm so you can take action feeling clear on what your next steps are.

I only take 6 clients at a time for these spots. I do this so that I can ensure you are getting the highest level of service and interaction from me.  I also want to make sure this is the best fit for you right now so you experience amazing results. Once I have reviewed your application you'll receive an email from me within 48 hours ([email protected]) and we will set up a zoom video application call.